Differentiating Between Osteopenia And Osteoporosis

An osteopenia vs. osteoporosis comparison could be made starting with understanding each condition separately.In comparing osteopenia vs. osteoporosis, it is essential that we have an individual understanding of these conditions first. because both these illnesses makes use of the prefix “osteo”, from the Greek term “osteon”, it could be a good idea to start your search with their names. Since the Greek term “osteon” means “bone”, we can deduce that both these illnesses are related to the bones of the human body. To be able to understand the differences between the two, there are some other things that you need to also find out.

There are two different meaning in the suffixes “penia” and “porosis” that completes the name of these conditions related to the bone. The former is associated with a deficit, while the latter is related to the existence of pores. From this, we can appropriately provide a simple meaning to these different terms; osteoporosis abnormal existence of pores inside the bones while osteopenia on the other hand is a condition whereby there exists a deficit in the bones.

According to research studies, osteopenia and osteoporosis take the top 2 ranks on the most common conditions associated with the skeletal system. In reality, 50% of Americans suffer from osteoporosis, and 80% of these individuals are women. This is regarded as a very serious medical condition as statistics show us that 1 out of 2 Americans suffering from this condition.

Osteopenia is said to be a precursor to osteoporosis because a deficiency in calcium is often the root cause of the latter. Even other bone-related conditions were found to originate from deficiency in calcium; that’s why, it is crucial that we know to be able to be able to handle them appropriately. Doing a detailed study of the bones and its characteristics is the ultimate method of getting to the analysis of osteopenia vs. osteoporosis.

The Connection Between Calcium And The Bones

The bones function as the primary support system of the body, since it bears the weight of the the muscles and bodily organs The bones likewise help to protect the organs from damage due to accidental bumps or any kind of force that might be aimed to the organs. The bone tissue remains to be in a non-mineral form throughout the development of the fetus, and is later mineralized into calcium salts and phosphorous. These calcium salts is the primary component of the osseous tissue (bone tissue), however a big part of it is comprised of the calcium compounds. These minerals that could be necessary for bodily processes is likewise kept in our bones.

When there is a calcium deficiency, the bones weaken and they tend to be less able to carrying out their main functions. These effects of calcium deficiency to the bones clearly define how osteopenia is directly related to osteoporosis.

To show the osteopenia vs. osteoporosis comparison further more, here is a more thorough information regarding these two conditions.

Low Bone Mineral Density- Osteopenia

The facts:

. Osteopenia is distinguished by a bone density (T-score) between -1.0 to -2.5, which may be confirmed by a bone density test.
. Osteopenia is not as severe as osteoporosis.
. Osteopenia’s extent is determined by an individual’s dietary habits, nutrition, and overall lifestyle.
. Osteopenia does not have any distinguishable symptoms.

A bone density test that discloses a score which falls below normal (T-score between -1.0 to -2.5) suggests that the bone matter per volume has already decreased to an abnormally reduced level. On an average, a person should have 1500 kilograms of bone matter per cubic meter of bone. The BMD may also be presented in T-score ratings, which needs to be over -1.0.

Individuals typically neglect the truth that the bones can possibly go through wear and tear through the years. Subsequently, they fail to consider the appropriate preventive measures which could enable them to prevent bone-related conditions like osteoporosis and osteopenia. An individual would still be prone to osteopenia if he doesn’t have a healthy way of living regardless that the damage to the bones is only minimal. An unhealthy diet that doesn’t include the essential nutrients for the bones may also be a major cause of osteopenia, and may lead to an individual developing such bone disease even if he is just in his forties.

The good thing is that there are still means to get rid of osteopenia, so long as it has not yet advanced to a more critical stage. These ways include diet plan that’s containing the nutrients wherein the person has a deficiency (usually Calcium along with Vitamin D) and proper exercises.

Porous Bones: Osteoporosis

The facts:
. It is distinguished by a BMD that has fallen below -2.5, as shown by the bone density test.
. The individual becomes at risk of fractures even during simple slips or accidents.
. It develops from other conditions such as Osteopenia or menopause
. Bone fractures becomes serious.

Although osteoporosis literally means “porous bones”, do not be misdirected by the definition of osteoporosis. The term “porous” in this sense means that the bones have developed empty spaces or “pores” as a result of deficiency of certain minerals which should have filled those spaces. Because the bones are seemingly empty in some of its parts, it becomes more brittle than the bones of a normal person.

Apart from bone marrow, the bone also contains bone cells which is called osteocytes that are created by the osteoblasts. The synthesization of bone proteins is the primary job of the osteoblasts. All the processes and functions that take place inside the bones of our body depend considerably a certain structure, which consequently fails to work properly as soon as there will be abnormalities and deficiencies inside the bones.

Symptoms of osteoporosis will likely arise when the structure of the bones becomes loose as a result of deficiency in calcium. In relation to the comparison of osteopenia vs. osteoporosis, we could clearly see that the “deficiency” is what links these two conditions. Even though this is so, a possible to prevent both these problems is by giving the bones with adequate amount of Calcium. Although milk as well as other dairy foods are the most frequent sources of calcium, note that fish and various types of food might also consist of calcium. To learn more about these foods, it is possible to seek the assistance of dieticians as well as other qualified individuals in order to prepare a more healthy diet plan to suit your needs.

Osteopenia is simpler to manage, while osteoporosis requires needs extensive methods and more complex treatment. Besides increasing the calcium intake in one’s diet, a course of medication is also given to osteoporosis patients like Raloxifene, Strontium ranelate, and Calcitonin.

How About You?

The osteopenia vs. osteoporosis comparison should be helpful in educating you about their differences, and it must also give you an idea of how to look after your health. In this regard, it is essential that you know the health of your bones is in relation to your current health. Have yourself examined regularly and checking your bone density through prescribed means should be a good way to begin.

Although you do not know it, there’s a high probability that you’re by now starting to have symptoms of osteoporosis and osteopenia, or maybe your body including your bones currently starting to deteriorate due to old age. From this, remember to keep to the recommendations of a professional and make sure that you give your body all the attention it should get.

Achieving your goal of becoming less prone to bone-related diseases can be done by starting to live a healthy lifestyle which involves proper nutrition and exercise. You will see that your state of health will change in a favorable way with such improvements in your lifestyle. Hopefully this osteopenia vs. osteoporosis overview have motivated you to take care of your body smartly.

Gina Peterson is a registered nurse who has been in the medical field for Twenty years. Follow the link for additional information concerning osteopenia vs. osteoporosis.