What happens with the funds on hand with a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee when a case is Dismissed, Post Confirmation – Michigan

In Michigan, the leading case on this subject is In re: Gonzales (Bankr. W.D. Mich. Dec. 21, 2017). Here, Judge Dales stated that “a chapter 13 trustee in possession of post-confirmation bankruptcy plan payments when the dismissal order is entered must remit them to the debtor, unless a court order provides otherwise.” In re Gonzales, … Read more

4 Finance Options for Hoteliers Surviving the COVID-19 Crisis

1.   Ask your lender to modify your loan terms and defer payments.  During this difficult period it is important to conduct amicable, transparent, and frequent communication with all stakeholders. This includes lenders along with your corporate business attorney and certified public accountant, as well as your hotel franchise company and any third-party management company. If … Read more

Bribery of Foreign Officials in Ancient Times and the Emergence of Anti-Foreign Bribery Regulations Only Over Two Millenniums Later

Commentators have compared bribery to witchcraft in that it is known to be widely practiced yet no one admits to practicing it.  Nonetheless, recorded instances of bribery and government corruption date back 3,000 years to ancient Egypt and Rome. Around 1300 B.C., King Horemheb of ancient Egypt was the first leader in history to denounce … Read more

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Know More About Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyer

A qualified personal injury lawyer should be the first thing you look for after being involved in an accident.

The quicker you locate an experienced attorney to assist you with legal matters, the better chances you have of getting the compensation you deserve. At J. Renya law firm, an attorney will seek the required information, like whether the property owner or person responsible had insurance to cover your injury.

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How To Avail Of Personal Injury Law?

How Personal injury works?

What is a personal injury? It usually relates to an accident on an automobile; a car, bike or any type of vehicle.  The driver so injured often becomes careless about the claim to be lodged to benefit with the insurance company due to some complex formalities.  Do you know how much benefit you can get if an accident ever takes place? But you are to look for a right personal injury lawyer for the purpose.  It is a case mostly personal injury lawyers don’t accept to take it up easily. There may be different reasons why? First being that the personal injury lawyer has some time to go beyond the law limits to hold someone responsible for financial accountability.  No matter how the accident occurred and how much injury suffered, he has to prepare a case for pure compensation. Sometime the personal injury lawyer has not only to establish the severity of the injury but there are so many other factors to be taken into consideration.

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