Attraction Marketing – The Attractive Strategy

Whether you know it or not, you are marketing yourself to the world 24-7. All the thoughts and actions you have put out there are being received by other people and as a result they are consciously or subconsciously deciding whether they want to be a part of your life, one way or another. You can’t turn this mechanism off – its perpetual. The only thing you can do is use it the right way, to attract an endless amount of people that will either want to be like you, or are like-minded. This means great things for your life, and your business.

Who Are you Attracting in Your Personal Life?

The people you have the pleasure of spending time with in your personal life, have been attracted to you one way or another.

At first, this can be a tough pill to swallow if you believe that those in your personal life are less than desirable. In your mind there is no way that you attracted, let alone, deserve to have these people in your life.

Before you get to far into that thinking, keep in mind that the Law of Attraction never fails. It is the only law that is fool proof. So before you go blaming something else, look in the mirror to figure out how you attracted that person or event, at the time you attracted it.

One situation that seems to crop up quite often and is very dangerous with this law in effect is that of needing someone really bad, or putting yourself in a vulnerable position. That energy, can and will attract people that will take advantage of you. You sending out that need, or desperation, will attract other needy, desperate people, or those who can take advantage of you in that situation.

On the flip side, if you are a happy, positive, and confident person, you are constantly sending out that energy which will attract the same type of people into your life, and repel those that are not. This type of attitude demands respect, and that is what you will attract into your life.

Who Are You Attracting in Business?

Being a “good person” isn’t necessarily a precursor to developing good business relationships. Good people can attract unsavoury partners because they simply radiate the energy that they can be taken advantage of…that no matter what happens, you will forgive their transgressions.

If you want to stop attracting low quality business partners, then start by examining what it is about your thoughts and feelings that is bringing these people into your life, and stop doing it!

If you want to attract high quality business partners, then start thinking the same way they do on a consistent basis! This will start sending that energy, and as sure as like attracts like, you will eventually find yourself hooking up to the people you really desire to do business with on a long term basis.

Leverage the Law of Attraction for Ultimate Results

When you realize that the Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful forces you can control, and that it can be used in your marketing efforts, everything begins to change.

One of the easiest places to leverage this, with larger scale results, is through the internet.

People are constantly searching for products, services, and other things on the internet. Its become our database for all things, and with some simple searching, we can nearly always find exactly what we are looking for at the time.

So it goes without saying that people are searching for what you have to offer, somewhere. So how do you get hooked up to these customers or prospects?

Using online attraction marketing!

You see, people are already looking for, or are attracted to what you are providing. The only thing that separates you is some geography and communication. The internet eliminates the geography issue, and search engines allow for the communication to happen.

So all you need to do is create a presence online so that when people who are attracted to you or your product go looking for it on the internet, you pop up right away! You now are attracting your direct target market, and not only that, you are letting them find you easily!

Any smart business owner would be all over this idea…

If you truly want to create a life catered to you and your dreams, you need to start thinking, and believing, the very things that you want are already yours, and you have just yet to receive them. This is at the heart of the Law of Attraction.

Then use this universal law to attract to you what you really desire, like its already yours, and create the life you really want.

I hope I’ve given you at least a start.

To learn more ways to use attraction marketing, go to