Relocations with a Strong Environmental Message

Sometimes, renovation at hectic periods is simply unavoidable and this may leave you searching for somewhere temporary to base from while work is carried out within your original premises. Changing location, albeit temporarily, can be inconvenient and confusing for your customers and suppliers, so being able to base yourself from somewhere at your existing premises is obviously the preferred choice for many and gives the best chance of keeping the business running smoothly.

Elite Systems are a company dedicated to providing temporary buildings and modular buildings to various industries all across the UK. They can offer either single or multi storey structures to help keep disruption to the absolute minimum and keep you as close to your existing location as possible.

With a strong environmental message, they work tirelessly to create a sustainable future through their work, using an environmentally-friendly company policy to only design products and select materials that minimise maintenance work and promote recycling. They monitor the use of energy consumption and campaign to raise environmental awareness.

Their aim is to use the smallest amount of non-recyclable packaging possible and to use whatever they can to reduce their carbon footprint. They have a fantastic team of employees that are extremely environmentally aware and have used their initiative and specialist knowledge to reduce the amount of non-recyclable materials that are used in the workplace.

They management team take their responsibility to the environment very seriously and are continuously working in an attempt to reduce the consumption of energy and materials used on portable buildings whenever they can.

They are also proud to have an established replanting programme for timber resources and work alongside other companies that share their commitment in protecting the environment. It is a promise they uphold to their clients, our planet and to themselves.

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