Essential Truths Pertaining to Energy Drinks and Food Bars

Energy Drinks and Food Bars, Fact Or Fiction ?

Both energy drinks and food bars have become controversial in recent years. You will find a lot of people who swear by them and others who make claims to the contrary. You will find some energy drinks that have either been regulated or banned all together. In fact that are a lot of types of energy foods, drinks and bars on the market with some being more healthy than others. Here you will see a couple of facts regarding which ones really are and are not healthy for you to use.

Energy drinks that have alcohol in them are being inspected by the FDA in the U.S., and measures are being developed to ban or standardize them. It’s usually a horrible idea to put alcohol together with stimulants, like caffeine. This includes not only energy drinks that contain alcohol but going into a bar and ordering a mixed drink that contains both. The reason for this is that alcohol is a depressant and caffeine is a stimulant, and combining these can be harmful to your body. Plus, caffeine can lessen your knowledge of being inebriated from alcohol, while not making it any bit safer to drive or engage in other activities that demand you to be alert. So it’s smart to sidestep the combination of energy drinks with alcohol. Many energy drinks say they are good just because of the herbs and vitamins they claim to add in addition to the sugars and caffeine. You may find ingredients like B vitamins, Gingko Biloba, and Taurine among those listed in the ingredients. A couple of these are generally healthy while others haven’t been thoroughly studied. You may experience bad side effects of some “natural stimulants” when combined with sugar and caffeine if you’re not careful. For the most part it’s better to isolate these stimulants and take them separately to avoid these side effects.

Many of these bars are well known for the amount of sugar they contain but you might be surprised by how many of them also contain disguised sugars. A popular sweetener used most often today and also linked to many healthy problems is high fructose corn syrup. If you are trying to lose weight this sweetener is a big no no. Agave nectar is a recently discovered popular sweetener this is actually a processed form of high fructose corn syrup. In fact there are no healthy sweeteners in these energy bars and food bars.

Food and energy bars may have some benefits if used properly but you really need to consider each of them separately as some are more beneficial than others. No two people will have the same reaction to caffeine and other stimulants, so pay close attention to how these products make you feel.. Read every ingredient and understand what you are eating. Continue to do your own due diligence without relying on other advertising hype to show you the way.

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