Meal Replacement Shakes – Don’t Get Scammed

We all seem to be in a hurry. Whether it’s checking out of work 10 minutes early (Seriously boss, I had my Blackberry surgically grafted to my hip, so I’m always technically working whether I’m in my office or not.) or a new weight loss program, we want to get where we’re going yesterday. So give us our damn shake and let me feel good about my contrived health! Not so fast.

Meal Replacement Shakes – The Good

Unfortunately, the good are far and few between when it comes to meal replacement shakes.

Now, when I say “meal replacement”, I’m not referring to the typical standard American diet. Otherwise, many of the meal replacement shakes probably fit the bill (grains, fillers, protein, and lots of sugar). What I’m referring to is a meal that provides the body with the nutrition required to facilitate a healthy body.

The good meal replacement shakes will actually feature real foods with naturally occurring protein and sugars (such as those occurring in fruit). In other words, whole foods and not isolates or sequestered vitamins and minerals that will not be properly assimilated into the body and end up in the toilet.

These are the meal replacement shakes you can feel good about because you are actually absorbing the nutrition.

Meal Replacement Shakes – The Bad

The bad meal replacement shakes are a little more common and look like the real deal, but they aren’t really. That’s what makes them bad.

These shakes offer a long listing of every vitamin and mineral on the planet, in a highly isolated and indigestible format. You do get some nutrition, but often get the rubber glove when you compare the cost to the benefits.

Meal Replacement Shakes – The Ugly

The ugly meal replacement shakes are often all marketing, and have no real value. So really, its like a Saturday Night Live skit gone movie – all hype but little substance.

We hear the great stories of how people are losing weight and feeling great and the pictures of the tanned poster boys and girls provide documented evidence. This tends to happen when you replace a meal with a single beverage.

What we don’t see is what they look and feel like 6 months later. That’s because the dream is short lived.

These meal replacement shakes offer very little nutrition, and a lot of crap n’ filler. Common toxic ingredients include soy protein isolate, white refined sugar, maltodextrin, and artificial sweeteners and flavors. These ingredients are incredibly hard to digest and contain chemicals (soy protein isolate); are incredibly high on the glycemic index and spike your blood sugar like a 7-11 slurpee (white refined sugar, maltodextrin); and are known neurotoxins (aspartame, sucralose, and other cleverly names artificial sweeteners).

I wouldn’t offer this to my mortal enemies.

So if you decide to go with meal replacement shakes find a reputable one with whole foods and natural sweeteners, or simply make your own smoothie with whole foods and without all the chemically laden preservatives, fillers, and stabilizers.

Then meet your golf buddies 5 minutes late.tell them you will shoot last. Oh, and that you don’t need a cart – you have the energy to walk 18.

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