Lactose Intolerance Signs and Symptoms In Adults

The lactose that we eat from dairy foods like milk is digested with the help of an enzyme manufactured in the small intestines known as lactase. A deficiency of lactase in our bodies may result in a medical condition referred to as lactose intolerance. Lactose is usually broken down into two components namely galactose and glucose so the body will be able to absorb it: With a deficiency of lactase, this will be impossible.

Causes Of Lactose Intolerance Symptoms In Adults

There are 3 known causes to lactase deficiency: developmental, congenital, and secondary. And for that, the treatments to be taken will be based a lot on the cause of lactase deficiency. In cases of congenital lactase deficiency, the condition has been already present at birth and the baby could have inherited lactase deficiency. Secondary lactase deficiency implies that the deficit resulted from an ailment that limited the body’s production of lactase. In developmental cases of lactase deficiency, this is generally attributable to particular lifestyle habits that caused the development of the condition as time passes.

This, lactose intolerance, is oftentimes is mistaken to be only a simple milk allergy whereas the body assumes that the milk ingredients are unhealthy subsequently releasing antibodies as a form of protection. With the antibodies carrying out its part, the common milk allergy symptoms emerge. We have to keep in mind that lactose intolerance symptoms in adults are mainly because of deficiency of the production of lactase enzyme despite the fact that its signs and symptoms are similar to that of allergic reaction to milk.

Finding Out The Common Lactose Intolerance Symptoms In Adults
Often, lactose intolerance is difficult to diagnose considering that nearly all of its symptoms can be like a few other disorders. However, once you feel these lactose intolerance symptoms in adults, it’s smart to see a doctor in order to get yourself a proper diagnosis:

. Loose bowel movements
. Gas
. Nausea
. Bloated tummy
. Stomach pains

The degree of lactose intolerance symptoms differs from individual to individual because everyone takes in various amounts of lactose in the food they eat.
When the lactose is not digested within the body’s small intestine, it will be delivered to the colon where some lactase is accumulated. The lactase which is being delivered to the colon will be converted into galactose and glucose which is further absorbed by bacteria. This controls the quantity of glucose and galactose reaching other parts of the body and that’s why several lactose intolerance symptoms in adults develop.

Various lactose intolerance symptoms must be taken into for you to prevent long-term consequences. One effect of lactose intolerance is calcium deficiency then lead to osteoporosis. Additional problems could also arise from the Vitamin D deficiency as a result of lactose intolerance. It’s recommended that individuals affected by lactose intolerance use food supplements of calcium and Vitamin D or try to look for alternative ways of adding these substances within their diet.

If lactose intolerance symptoms in adults are identified, they must be addressed promptly and appropriately. There are lots of treatment options available that most medical professional and doctors suggest that would aid in preventing the side effects of lactase deficiency in your body. Some of these treatment options are managing the dairy products consumption to allow the body build tolerance to lactose as well as having lactase supplements. A carefully planned lactose intolerance diet is likewise suggested.

Treatments for lactose intolerance differ lactose intolerance differ according to the cause and severity of the condition and how often the lactose intolerance symptoms in adults happen. Luckily, lactase deficiency is not lethal and simply requires early detection and proper attention for it to be prevented and cured.

Stephanie Park is a mother of five who has had lactose intolerance symptoms in adults since she was eight years old and has finally discovered the best technique to treat lactose intolerance. Read more in relation to lactose intolerance by going to this link at