Benefits of Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is the young grass of the common wheat plant that when juiced or dried, provides a rich source of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, 15 amino acids and 80 enzymes. It’s harvested during the early days of growth when the nutrients are at its highest.

One pound of wheat grass is the equivalent to twenty-five pounds of the best vegetables, according to some proponents. You’ll often find wheat grass planters in juice bars and health food stores around the world. Wheat grass is also available as in tablets, powders or in frozen cubes.

Wheat grass was popularized by the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston and was touted as a miracle cure to help eliminate cancerous growths along with other mental and health disorders. An experiment in the 1930’s led to the popularization of wheat grass when Charles F Schnabel, an agricultural chemist, used fresh grass to nurse sick, dying hens back to health. Not only did the hens recover, but they produced twice as many eggs than the hens who were not on wheat grass. With these encouraging results, he started to dry and powder the grass for friends and family. By 1940, powdered grass was available in drugstores in North America and the rest is history.

Health Benefits of Wheat Grass
– Excellent source of nutrients that supports a healthy immune system and overall health.
– Great for skin conditions such as sores or rashes.
– An anti-infammatory, wheat grass is helpful if you suffer from arthritis and other conditions that cause swelling.
Wheat grass is a powerful antioxidant.

Adding this superfood to your life can greatly improve your health, especially if you have a tough time getting enough greens in your diet. Wheat grass packs a punch and you’ll feel it almost immediately after your first shot.

Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally’s Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you buy wheat grass from AstroNutrition.

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