Randy Garciga is still the King of Power!

When your hobby is High Performance boating, safety and reliability are paramount. Equipment failure can be both dangerous and spoil any chance of a fulfilling boating experience. There is no place to rely on inferior equipment. As the proud owner of a 38′ Cigarette Top Gun, I have many stories regarding engines. After experiencing disappointments with and interviewing many other engine builders, I have been relying on Cobra Power engines to power my boats since 2008. From the beginning, Randy Garciga and his team have put together the most reliable and efficient engine packages I have ever had.

You don’t own a High Performance boat to putt around the harbor. I challenge my equipment every time I launch my boat. I am involved in 10-15 poker runs a year and require my equipment to handle the rigors of my full schedule. Cobra Power engines have exceeded all of my expectations.

Whether it is running with the lead pack at a poker run or hitting it hard in open water, I have never had any downtime with my Cobra engines. Service and professionalism are the cornerstones of Cobra Power. They first produce reliable, high quality engines which keep me running so I do not miss any events, but go further to ensure that any issues that I have are corrected in days. Randy’s commitment to his customers is unbelievable. He is available to them at any time and goes the extra mile to ensure that they are satisfied. I was provided with his home and cell numbers which allows me to reach him whenever I need his expertise. Sometime cheaper is far more expensive in the long run. I have learned the hard way how that applies to High Performance engines. As long as I continue to blast across the water, my boats will always be powered by Cobra Power.

To find out more about Randy Garciga’s High Performance Engines, visit the website: www.cobrapower.com