See Any Of Those Free Trial Offers For Infinity Downline? Well, Guess What.

Infinity Downline management does not allow free trials to be given.

Anyone you find who is offering a free trial for Infinity Downline or Infinity 100 is risking deletion of their membership. Peter Wolfing, owner of Infinity Downline has stated this as well, and I have confirmed this policy with Infinity Downline Support. If you are a member you can submit your own ticket and prove it to yourself if you are in doubt. This practice devalues the product and is a BAD business decision for everyone, including your potential downline members.

With that said.

It isn’t necessarily easy to do all the research needed to really pick which of the thousands of network marketing companies will be right for you. It can even be hard to just pick a sponsor once you have the company picked out.

This process can be very confusing due to the large number of people out there actively misleading people, and all the hyped-up sales patter and such. A few guys have resorted to offering a free trial in order to try to sponsor more people into their Infinity Downline business.

You can’t seem to make a choice even though you have found some you can work with because of the abundance of offers. After all, there are quite a few opportunities that seem great, and the guys pitching it to you seem like they know what they are doing, but choosing between them can be very frustrating because, well, what if you make the wrong decision and then you are stuck with the wrong sponsor, who is not helping you, or who brought you in based on hype or half-truths?

No better is not having duplication on the company or their procedures and it causes you to miss out on a lot of money.

There are sponsor’s who have no intention of training you and making sure your business is successful but are just wanting your money. Perhaps, this is why you don’t hear from them.

What’s with the Infinity Downline free trail?

There is a lot of competition out there for all of us and some people are looking for every advantage, including offering a “free trial” for the Infinity Downline business.

Your thoughts are, “It’s free so it can’t hurt.”

You can miss out on a lot even though it seems valid.

The reason you don’t get charged to start your business is because no one is buying it. This is a bad indicator.

If you went to an Amway opportunity meeting and a guy said, “I’ll buy your start up kit if you join”, you had better wonder why the guy is so desperate. Frankly, if you are not up to putting your money into the game like everyone else you shouldn’t be in the game, but that is a subject for another article.

What do you get with your “Free Trail” in Infinity Downline?

A “free trial” doesn’t exist.

When someone gives you a free trial in this program all it means is that they have covered your start up cost for you. They simply go into their back office after you register and they mark you as “paid” so that you have active status. Having your status as paid shows the company you are live even though no money was exchanged.

In essence they are covering the $25 for you because you should be paying that sponsor the $25. Perhaps they think this will get you to stay with the program and work it. With 12 years in this field, I have found that those who don’t invest monetarily don’t perform due to lack of ownership. I can’t think of a single person even though I say “seldom”. Hopefully you will forget that you joined a business and he can still collect your money in the following months. But there is another aspect to this which is a problem for you.

Ideally, and theoretically, you would have a sponsor who can show you how to build the business. In the situation above, what you are being taught is to use the “free trial” as a way to get people in.

Aside from the fact that you will get the worst quality people in this manner, you must run the math and see that if you in turn offer a free trial to each one of your prospects it will cost you many thousands of dollars because you are losing out on the very purpose of your business, which is to earn those $25 commissions. Over time you will actually lose a lot more than $25 by covering this cost for those under you. It’s foolish and a bad business decision.

If you go to the movies and get a treat, you spend more than $25. When you have a lead that doesn’t want to invest $25, what kind of business growth should you expect?

I promise you that covering the cost to join Infinity Downline will land you with tons of work recruiting not generating any income.

For people to find you and join your team, you will have to work no matter if they pay to join or not.

Collect the initial $25 and use it to cover marketing expenses as part of your funded proposal.

If you want a solid business, and a team underneath you that can hold their own, and will motivate themselves and will follow instructions and will produce and create a solid business for themselves and will provide you with the two spill-ups that you need, don’t pay the start-up cost for your prospects.

This is a business, not a charity program.

When you are a self-employed, home-business type of person, then $25 is nothing. The thought that spending $25 for a business is too expensive for someone, I find that comical beyond words.

If you disagree, then run some ads with “Free Cash! I’ll give you free cash for filing out a form! Takes only 3 minutes and I give you cash!”, and see if that’s not what you would be doing.

If you’re looking for actual help and guidance with tools that will assist you building your network marketing business, then look at the resource area below and follow the links for free access to the most effective training anywhere.

The writer has complied a full factual review of Infinity Downline, which covers all the good and bad, and provides answers to any conceivable questions about this opportunity including and Infinity Downline scam report. This author has been a professional network marketer for over 12 years and much in the way of free training courses for network marketers.

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