Keeping Your Tools Safe

Power tools and metal are now some of the most stolen items in Britain. It is easy to get a great deal of money for such items and there is far less risk involved in selling such items on when they are stolen when compared to almost any other valuable asset.

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Get Back Into Diy With A New Set Of Tools

Everyone has been there. Something needs doing at home. No problem. Just pop to the shed and grab the tool box, only to find those tools haven’t replaced in years. They are old, rusty and just not up to the job. Time to invest in a new set and get to work tackling those DIY jobs that have been piling up at home.

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Procurement Consultancy

What is procurement consultancy?

Procurement consultancy is a professional which is provided by people who have extensive knowledge and experience in the area of procurement.  This is the process of selecting suppliers and signing contracts for the purchase of a business and all of its assets.  The procurement consultancy must be able to advise the business on the best solutions for them in terms of best practice and, generally, how to make the situation as advantageous as possible for them.

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Where to Buy Your Tools

Buying tools from auction sites or choosing second hand items from local shops may seem like a good way of saving yourself some money on the products that you buy. However, it is almost always going to be far better to get those hand tools or power tools from a reputable company selling new products. … Read more

Sanitary vending machines;the right choice for your business

Tampon dispensers- or to give them their industry name, sanitary vending machines- are hardly the most glamorous thing to worry about when you’re fitting out a new business or refurbishing a pre-existing one. Many small businesses neglect the purchase of appropriate bathroom vending machines altogether. Even for the more conscientious small businessman, it is all … Read more

Increasing Business Space

The space you have in your workplace can make a huge amount of different to how productive you can be, as well as simply making a huge amount of difference to just how much work you might be able to take on. After all, for those who ship a great many of their items, if … Read more

Industrial fencing keeps perimeters secure

Thieves will steal anything of value. In fact some robberies are so coordinated and planned that stock and equipment is being stolen to order.And not just the obvious things like computers for example.Take building sites or industrial areas. Parts and tools fetch good money.Nothing is safe if it is left unsecured and lying around.And break ins are unfortunately becoming more and more common. These are tough times economically after all.

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